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Big Marketing App For Your Small Business

SamparkSetu The Best Marketing Tool For Your Business

SamparkSetu The Big Marketing App for your small business. The only app you need to automate your marketing, sales, and customer service.

Get Leads with Artificial Intelligence



It helps you identify the people who have shown an interest in your product previously and may be interested in it again in the future, which will help boost your sales rate.



Best ways to get your marketing content out effectively by using multi-channel sequential messages with same campaign.                                                 



Send and receive WhatsApp messages quickly without the need to add contacts. Monitor your campaigns with daily and weekly reports.                                                       


Organise contacts

The flexibility to create and edit contacts in the application itself. The option to be able to add multiple tags, attached files and set contacts as a DND.                 

SamparkSetu the bridge to success


Build Connections

Be sure to personalize any online campaigns you are running by adding in information such as Name / Company Name / Phone Number etc.



Segment your contacts in order to send them messages they might find relevant or interesting at that particular moment                                                


Customer Connect

Make sure you’re organizing important contacts into groups. That way, you can send customized messages instead of one-size-fits all automated responses.          

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Whatsapp Preference

The flexibility to create and edit contacts in the application itself. The option to be able to add multiple tags, attached files and set contacts as a DND.               

Reduce Human Errors with Business Process Automation

Automation can prevent or at least minimize human error if it is set up correctly.

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